OIM Tuning
Change the ulimit param to 8192 or unlimited
Make sure OS host machine has sufficient memory & hard disk space available
Make sure OS host machine has sufficient memory & hard disk space available
2. OIM- Weblogic tuning:
a) Increase the Weblogic managed servers heapsize to 4GB
change in startWebLogic.sh file:
[USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms4096m –Xmx4096m -Xmn1648m -Xss256k -XX:PermSize=384m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m"]
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "" ] ; then
echo "Admin Server "
echo "oam and oim mgmd servers"
MEM_ARGS="-Xms2048m –Xmx4096m -Xmn1648m -Xss256k -XX:PermSize=384m -X:MaxPermSize=384m"
export MEM_ARGS
b) Make sure the DB connection pools atleast the below number or more based on the load on weblogic connection pools:
<<This section requires to update still! >>
Datasource Name | initial | Max | Increment |
Mds-oim | 2 | 50 | 1 |
mds-owsm | 0 | 15 | 1 |
oimJMSStoreDS | 50 | 50 | 1 |
oimOperationsDB | 100 | 100 | 1 |
<<SOA specific Datasource >> | default | default | default |
c) Updating the Distributed Lock Timeout from 60 seconds to 300 seconds and in oim-config.xml, update the checkout time from 1200 secs to 2700 secs.
For Distributed Lock Timeout changes: in WLS console, select each OIM Datasource-configuration – transaction - XA Transaction Timeout = 300
For Distributed Lock Timeout changes: in WLS console, select each OIM Datasource-configuration – transaction - XA Transaction Timeout = 300
For checkout time in OIM configurations: <<Middleware home>>/ Oracle_IAM1/server/metadata/db/oim-config.xml
<directDBConfigParams driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
.. checkoutTimeout="12002700"
<directDBConfigParams driver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
.. checkoutTimeout="12002700"
- For more Tuning follow this guide to improve the performance of the OIM - Optional:
Note: when DB connection pool configured then compare the other applications (OID, OAM, OIM) connection pool configurations and the sum of pool size should be served by DB server and the max values of the DB env parameters should set.
**Note: Above configuration changes requires bouncing the component application servers to get effective the changes.